This morning as I was on my way to work and I saw the picture of the guy I was having an emotional attachment to and the next thing I knew was that: I began imagining how sex with him would be like, I was practically starting to get lost in it and I snapped myself out of it.
All of this got me thinking: are there any holy relationships among Christian brothers and sisters: the answer is YES and it has to do with more control and discipline.
Once you say you love a guy: the truth is, you are going to be physically and emotionally attracted to the person and then when the sexual thoughts come up, how we deal with it is important. Sometimes we try to tell fellow sisters to receive guidance, they all tense up and become over religious. making us feel like we are impure or other things, but the truth is; it is not impure, but it is just part of the feelings. Now, if the feelings take hold of you and act on it too frequently, that is IMPURE.
All these kinds of sexual thoughts would come: but what do you do with these thoughts: do you act on them or do ignore them? That is the question..some people say “what we take in doesn’t defile us but what we produce or do”… but the bible also tells us to subject our imagination to the knowledge of Christ. so when those thoughts come, act on them with prayer.
Now when these thoughts became too much, you need to check yourself, because that shows that you are only attracted to the physical aspect of the guy: which is LUST… we need to be careful not to confuse LOVE thoughts with LUST.
Action Point
Evaluate your thoughts about the person every day and see what you think about the guy…