How scary happiness feels

How scary happiness feels

How scary it is when things move so fast and you can’t explain it! You want to slow down because you think it is too fast so it can’t be real and then again you don’t want to slow down because you think you might be making a mistake missing out on happy things.
Conventional thinking makes you feel like everything happen in stages, hence, if you are faster than the general process it would end up in tears. Therefore, we bottle up feelings and cage our emotions, which doesn’t allow the free flow of happiness.

How many of us feel that way?

I think it is time to set ourselves free. Time to break free from conventional cages. Let’s get into the atmosphere of falling as many times as our heart would let us. Fall hard without expectations. Enjoying every moment we get and cherishing every happy second.

Life is sometimes too short to live in fear of hurt, fear of failure, fear of too much happiness.

Do you know that is also a thing? When you feel so much happiness, you begin to fear if it is real or fears you might do something to just ruin it. You spend so much time dwelling in the negative and leave little or no room in your mind to enjoy the sweet possibilities of success. How Scary, right?

You know what, kick negativity in the butt and live in the endless possibilities of success and happiness. Remember, you attract what you think about. Try that business, accept that proposal, start that job, fall in love, love yourself. BE FREE!

God knows we need to enjoy our every moment of our existence, rather than just surviving. We need to live and really live. Forget people’s opinion on the matter, go with your heart, pray about it, meditate on it and do what your heart says you should do and if you fail, you know you did your best, you did it your way and you would have the courage to start over, doing it in another way.

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