Every lady has a fairytale fantasy of what their wedding is supposed to look like.

Books and movies have created an image so wide that I don’t think money can foot the bill for their demands. Sadly, I am not the same. There are so many weird things that happen during wedding planning that I think are funny. My sister actually told me they regretted taking me along for their dress shopping.  I could understand why they were just trying on dress after dress, all because they were not connecting with the dress. What! What the hell is connecting to the dress, I mean most of the dresses they tried on were amazingly beautiful. The thing that blew my mind was the fact that they ended up buying fabrics and taking it to a designer to create the dress they want.  That one was also a huge thing because it was like they were joining the features of 100 dresses to create their dress.

Sadly, I haven’t been one to give many details to wedding proceedings. It took my elder sister getting married in 2016, for me to think I would love to get married someday, as their wedding ceremony was beautiful, I cried when they said their vows. But I all but have forgotten about all that emotional drama when the DJ flipped the reception, lol. That is a favourite part of a wedding BTW. I love the way it’s just down to family and friends and we dance till well, they chase us from the hall, Lmao.

When my younger sister got married, OMG, I knew beyond doubt that I was not cut out for all these wedding dramas, but that was the first time I knew beyond doubt that a wanted a small, intimate wedding without too much drama of hall decorations and the sitting charts. It was hell, the fight over the sitting arrangements were epic has my sister wanted 600 guests, but my mum kept on extending invitations till the guest were over 1000. Comparing to my elder sister’s wedding, which was like a carnival. I mean, it was raining, but guests were still coming and going. At a point in time, I stood in the middle of my elder sister’s wedding hall and did a 360 turn around and thought to myself, “how many of these guests do I know or recognize” we still make jokes about the wedding till date.

My younger sister’s own was just drama drama drama, cos if we were billionaires she would be Kim Kardashian. She is so fashion conscious as she runs a boutique BANKE MELANGE and she like everything with a flare, check out her collections on Instagram and you’ll understand what I am writing about. Anyway, her drama surrounded the fact of her engagement dress and colour, like my mum didn’t like her colours based on religious believes, but trust my sister to always get what she wants.

That fight was lesser to the fight for the type of decorations and flower arrangements. I am just rolling my eyes remembering those scenes. I am like get pick a sample give it to the decorate and their florist would make it happen, but they wanted to bring Cinderella’s arrangement to Nigeria, lool. Howbeit, it was a wonderful wedding, but the after-party was where I rocked it.

That was the wedding I gave a thought to what my wedding dress could look like, trust me one week after the whole thing, I didn’t even remember I had given myself a mission to look for the kind of dress I would love to wear.
But in 2018, I thought about giving me getting married a shot, heck I was ready to do the whole damn thing. The guy was nice at the beginning, you know how they are now, but going almost a year into the relationship, getting serious and making marriage goals and plans, I go to know the real person and realized he wasn’t someone I could depend on as regards to being my husband or father of my kids. Being with him, made me understand myself when it comes to marriage, I noticed I wanted a proactive man, with fire in his loins, someone relentless and ambitious, someone I could trust his hustling game power, someone I was sure would move heaven just to take care of me and eventually our family. Someone who understood the importance of family as well as my ego around family. As that was not him, I called it all off.

It took chatting with a friend that brought the whole marriage thing up and I realized that every goal I set out as regards marriage, was left unchecked, not one box has been ticked. Lol. Does that make me weird?
Anyways I would start working on it, starting with the dress issue. Lol. Something simple with less fuss I think. What do you think? What kind of wedding dress would suit me? Tag me @pabonline on wedding dresses or use #pabonline of dresses you think would suit me.

2 thoughts on “WEDDING WEIRDINGS

  1. Bonjour!

    My dream wedding would have been with just 50 guest, anywhere where nature will meet humanity, and a lovely honeymoon.

    Reality check… I had none of it, the drama of my wedding still lives with me. If only I could flip a coin and turn back time….. Anyways, all I’m left with is wishes, memories and lessons.

    Don’t fret, your wedding will be what you make of it. Please do you always, you will be fine.

    Good to have you back.

    Ps: try a “bandage” dress

    1. Your writing tone sounds like a loyal reader. which I appreciate and love so much. I laughed reading your comment. I can’t imagine the drama. Especially is it is a Naija wedding. The 50 guest sounds divine to me as well, but eh it can’t happen with Nigerian parents. lol. I promise to always do me as that is the best way to live. Good to have you here.
      PS: Bandage dress with a waist trainer. loving the image in my head.

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