What Makes a woman Spiritual?

What Makes a woman Spiritual?

In these modern terms. being a spiritual woman has been confused to mean being conservative in one’s doctrine. Beliefs, dressing or life choices (like a career path, life-partner etc.). So many women have lost themselves, their uniqueness or rather that spark in them that makes them who they are.

Some have lost their esteem in trying to fit in or not be called out less than a Christian. And the ones who obediently follow all these rules are the mother in Israel.
What we forget is that Spirituality is the willingness or the ability to hear and do what God is saying.

Your Spirituality is formed when you seek God’s opinions for everything and every situation in your life. We tend to think God is not interested in the petty things we do. But, asking God for direction even for those petty things is what makes us spiritual.

For example, you are about to step out with friends, and you close your eyes or excuse yourself to the restroom and you are like

 “God, I am about to go for drinks with Tofunmi and Lola, should I go? I know my limits and how to morally coordinate myself but, I would like to know if it is part of your plan for me to go?”


“Lord, I met this cute guy last week and oh he fine, he is fine, and he is well put together and smart. He dresses nice and is financially stable, lord I know I am beginning to develop feelings for him, but I would like to know your will concerning this path? Should I let myself feel?”

Your willingness to get his opinion on issues no matter how simple or trivial they are what makes you a spiritual woman.
What makes you a spiritual woman is your sincerity to God and yourself. When you begin to admit where you are in your relationship with God and your willingness to get the best of it and grow is what makes you spiritual.

Four (4) Attitude you need to be a spiritual woman.

  • You need to be sensitive to God’s opinions: being sensitive is being able to discern what God is saying away from our pride, greed or wants.


    1. This can only be achieved through constant fellowship and communication with God. Prayer doesn’t mean you should break your head or neck or doesn’t mean you should scream the roof down. It has to do with your heart to God. Hannah prayed to the point of whispers for her son. The woman with the issue of blood thought to herself, there are so many examples.

Prayer is your heart reaching to God, if you are comfortable screaming and jumping or laying down or kneeling, just do you so long your heart is connecting. When you begin to see the way, God communicates his response to you, either by dreams, prophetic words, visions, daydream, thoughts, etc.

God communicates in various ways. You just must be open and sensitive to yours.


  1. You must be willing to obey God: Willingness comes from surrender and trust. Understanding that the thoughts of God towards us is divine, perfect, and most beneficial to us, gives us the grace to surrender. You need to ask yourself and be brutally honest with yourself, “when God says no to a particular issue or request, how willing are you in respecting his decision?” if you say “hard”, then you are on the path. You have decided to be sincere with yourself. This leads to my next point.
  2. You need to be sincere with yourself: Please understand this fact “YOU CANNOT DECEIVE GOD”. He sees all of you, everything you do. Like a stage play, God sees all your mistakes and triumphs. So, you need to understand that there is no hiding from God, hence you need the truth. Not for God’s benefit, but for you. Being true to yourself brings light, clarity, growth, and development.
    You can see where you are, correct the things you must and grow in the goals that you want. With Sincerity to yourself, it is easy to accept what God condemns or accepts for you. Note, what God condemns for you could be different from what he condemns for the next person. Why? Because he knows you and knows where you are going to. He knows what you need to get there, and he knows how you ought to be to get there. And in truth comes obedience that leads to growth
  3. You Need Total Obedience: knowing where you want to be, who you want to become in Christ, it then wise to obey the one who knows you and predestined you, even before you were born. It’s like going to London from Nigeria and God says to go by ship and you say why when there is a plane that cuts time and gets there faster. Don’t forget he has a reason.
    You go ahead and enter the plane; you get to London but spend a whole year looking for a job. Meanwhile, what you do not know was that God kept a couple in that ship, that is having a retirement fun trip after living a fulfilled life and are ready to explore but, they are praying to God for an ambitious and hardworking person to take over their firm, because they didn’t have a successor and you have that same idea in Nigeria but didn’t have the means to implement it. talk about the divine direction
    You go by plane and miss destiny just because you felt you know better hence, what you heard wasn’t from God. The Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice.

If you notice, I didn’t mention anything like to dress in this, wear that, or don’t go to this place or be friends with these people to prove you are a spiritual woman. Because there is nothing to prove in being spiritual, when you start to feel the need to prove that you are spiritual, you have deviated and are no longer on the path of God. Most Dos and Don’ts are vision or direction for certain people to help them and guide them on the path of God based on how God has seen the way they are. Instead of blindly following people, why not develop a relationship with God to find out your own Dos and Don’ts that would get you to where you are supposed to be.

I hope you can relate to what I have written. I am happy to hear your opinions, contribution or positivity towards this post and it helps your relationship with God, via comments sections or send a mail to admin@pabonline.com.ng.

Stay tuned for my next post on the Traits of a spiritual woman. What she is like, recognize what she portrays and so much more.

12 thoughts on “What Makes a woman Spiritual?

    1. This is fantastic, I wish every Christian woman knows and understands this simple principles.

      1, willing to obey
      2, sincerity with yourself
      3, total obedience to his Dos and don’t

      1. Thank you, Samson. I hope so too. Kindly share with all females you know so they can get to know. That is the essence of this post, to get more people to know.

    2. Thank you Tunji, I am glad you liked it. More, I am glad it impacted you.

  1. I feel no make up, no ear ring, no weavon etc should be a personal revelation and conviction. In my opinion it doesn’t determine whether you are spiritual or not.

  2. Well I think our dressing is part of it, a spiritual woman won’t dress in a seductive or provocative manner, some certain parts of our body are called private part and should be kept as that. More So,one can dress in a way that makes men have lustful thoughts or sin and that doesn’t in any way bring glory to God.You can look good and still dress up covering the right places.

    1. That is the point, but the point is that; you shouldn’t use the fact that you are dressing morally and ethically right to judge your spirituality.

  3. Well written . Fellowship with God and seeking his mastery over our lives is key.

  4. You are point dearie, spiritual life shd breed from true nd sincere relationship with God. its personal nd individual, it should not be based on doctrines or peoples opinions. God bless you !!!

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